Welcome back to The Trixarian Zone
29 May 2011My last host kind of messed up and completely locked me out of my account, so I decided it was a sign to move, so I did. This will be a work in progress until I get everything up again, so watch this space. I also traded in CMSimple for Flatpress, so tell me what you think
- Posted by Trixarian
- 5 comments (16525 views)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 13:12:43
Noooo! The FML and Bash scripts… D:
Thursday, June 9, 2011 - 22:42:55
hello, is there a link to the download?
all the best
Sunday, June 12, 2011 - 13:45:01
where text of SliTaz ???
Monday, June 20, 2011 - 19:02:30
Dear Trixarian,
Do you plan to upload your works on sakis3g for Slitaz in the forseeable future?
With Google being largely oblivious of other ways to get a “surf-stick” working there, to find alternatives has proven to be difficult.
Regaining access to this stuff would make my life quite a bit easier:
“custum” procps (http://vanilla.slitaz.org/index.php?p=/discussion/2273/the-sakis3g-attempt-working/p1)
sakis3g cooking tazpkg (http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/slitaz-and-3g-modem)
If I am not mistaken, even one of these would suffice, though at the moment your website is rather empty…
Yours sincerely
P.s.: The “send message” function on your contact page seems not to work.
Friday, June 24, 2011 - 00:00:17
@Zsar I know, it’s been a busy month so far and I’ve been reworking way too many things to even bother with my site. I redid sakis3g and got a little side tracked. The problem was that one of the major packages was left out in cooking, which meant I had to modify the package to include it and many others.
Another factor is that I decided I should redo most of my packages - amongst other things - to be more compact and cleaner. I’ve gotten really good at converting packages and with it, my packages install less junk. It’s in sharp contrast to what I had, which was amateurish at best.
Anyway, it should be mostly restored by this weekend and I’ve already begun the reconstructions of the packages. I will however intentionally leave out certain packages since they have either been added (with better support) to cooking or the program just doesn’t run very well (for example VBA-M).